Silga-connect technology commits for a greener present and future

Silga-connect technology commits for a greener present and future

Silga is continuously committed in the application of sustainable practices to reduce its impact on the environment and to allow the creation of a greener future. To do so, Silga Connect Technology and Silga Industries as a whole, have undertaken several actions such as the introduction of the Hot Air Levelling finishing free from lead, the development of the Printed Electronics technology, the implementation of a new fleet of solar panels and the maintenance of our biological purifier, as well as the replacement of high-efficiency electrical devices to ensure lower consumption.

Our new Hot Air Solder Levelling shares the same operating systems as the traditional one but the alloy used is lead free, which makes the surface finish compliant with the RoHS Directive and that plays a relevant role in the reduction of pollution in the environment caused by toxic electronics and electric waste.

On the other hand, Silga Connect Technology has implemented with success over the last years the Printed Electronics technology, which allows to substitute the traditional chemical etching. In this way, it is possible to reduce the material waste and the use of etching acids, a totally green process that ensures flexibility, precision and sustainability.

Furthermore, in 2023 Silga is completing a relevant step in the renewable energy transition for its facilities in Castelfidardo with the implementation of 2 MegaWatts of photovoltaic panels, located on the rooftops of our facilities in Castelfidardo and in the adjoining field. Together with the cogeneration implant (1.02 Mwh) and the photovoltaic panels installed in the past (660 Kwh), this project will bring the electric energy self-produced by Silga to 3.7 Mwh.

Finally, Silga is one of the first companies in Europe to invest in biological wastewater treatment for the removal of nitrogenous compounds, allowing the partial reuse of the treated wastewater, ensuring the saving of such an important resource as water.

All of these actions represent the strong commitment that Silga has for the protection of the environment. Our aim is to ensure a greener planet for us and for the next generations, in a world that is rapidly changing and acquiring more and more awareness about the importance of sustainable practices by everyone. Together we can achieve it!