A story that began long ago, a story of dreams, bravery, commitment, connection with the territory and with the people that with passion carry on the legacy. Silga’s story. Our story.
A story that began long ago
Everything begins in the soft hills of Le Marche during the 60s, a period full of excitement and growth. Right in this frame we find Olimpio Zitti, that as a boy starts the craft of electroplating in Castelfidardo, the beating heart of the accordion industry. The connection with musical instruments kick-starts Silga Sas, a company that right from the very beginning provides galvanic treatments and printed circuits. Together with Olimpio there is his brother Adolfo and it’s when they are joined that Silga becomes an entity in continuous growth, becoming Silga S.p.A. in 1974.
Over the years the commitment and the research for innovative solutions make the company expand, thanks also to the synergy between the two divisions, which allows to offer a wide range of solutions in several fields of applications, a competitive and unique plus that is at the basis of its identity.
Research, innovation and enhancement of internal skills are the key principles that have always guided Silga’s path and that now more than ever represents its future, a future that sees Monica, Debora, Eva and Adamo as new main characters. Today, under Monica and Adamo’s lead everyone is proud to bring forward such an important legacy for the territory, for the people that everyday work here and for the clients that for years have been relying on the seriousness of the company.
Since the very beginning, Silga has proved to be strategic and of great importance for our region which was basically made up of industrial districts in which small and medium-sized companies were forced to go abroad or to Northern Italy to commission specific galvanic processes, which meant higher costs and times and a lower possibility of being competitive on the market. When Silga developed innovative processes, the neighboring companies benefited from it by enhancing their production and growing in terms of turnover and product quality.
Silga’s journey, which began over 50 years ago, has led it to become a solid, resilient, reliable and innovative reality. These results have been made possible by the total dedication of the founders first, then of their children and also the constant contribution of the people who have worked and still work here today. For this reason, at the basis of Silga’s growth project there are precisely the people; for these same people we want to:
– create value through training and sharing of skills;
– encourage professional growth according to everyone’s inclinations;
– maintain a serene and comfortable working environment, so that the employees can put to good use their potential and express their needs
Another goal Silga is achieving is to expand its market positioning, developing relationships with brands and multinational companies without intermediaries, in order to build directly with the end customer the project they need, based on their specific technical need
Short supply chain
Silga is implementing investments dedicated to completing the short supply chain in order to integrate the entire production process within its factories.
Shortening the supply chain makes it possible to:
– increase competitiveness;
– make product traceability immediate;
– have maximum confidentiality for the customer;
– increase the speed of production;
– ensure higher product quality