Silga Connect technology at “The Battery Show”

As “The Battery Show” has come to an end, we would like to thank all of those who have taken part in it and have visited Silga’s booth from 18 to 20 of June, but also everyone for following our journey towards it and during these days.

We have shared with you all our latest innovative solutions for the automotive electrification world as Gigaflex, our FPCs for the sensorized connection of batteries that monitor the state of it and ensure its correct functioning over time; Flexible Heaters that thanks to their flexibility in shape and warmth generation can provide comfort and efficiency in several areas of an electric/hybrid vehicle; IMS PCBs that allow the correct dissipation of heat in high power applications, such as electric charging stations, and much more.

“The Battery Show” was a great opportunity to present Silga Connect technology and our solutions for EV, but we have much more to show you in the upcoming months, so keep following us.

In the meantime enjoy a short recap of these days at “The Battery Show”!