Additional services for your complete solution

For us in Silga Connect technology it’s essential to ensure the complete satisfaction of our customers during all the steps of the project, from the development of it to the production and delivery.

With this purpose in mind, we have established several partnerships with specialized and certified companies for the implementation of additional external services as for instance assembly of components on Flexible Printed Circuits (FPCs) and welding (going from ultrasonic, to laser and resistance welding), as well as further tests, apart from the ones we can perform in-house.

In this way, we can provide to our final partners the complete product with all the elements connected to it, ready for its application. An opportunity to come closer to our customers’ requests and satisfy them with our solutions.

In Silga we are always looking for opportunities to grow and expand our range of products and services, counting also on the cooperation with partners, an additional value that we are able to offer in the market.

Contact us to get more details about us and what we can do to meet your requests.