Innovation and quality with Silga’s Technical Study Center

Innovation is a core pillar for Silga – Connect Technologies, an essential element that allows us to always be ahead when it comes to the development of new technologies in an industry like the printed circuits’ one that is rapidly evolving day by day. For this reason, every year we invest 3% of our revenue in research & development activities and we can rely on an internal Technological Study Center (TSC).

The purpose of our TSC is to perform continuous research on cutting-edge technologies while supporting new and existing projects of every size. In this way, it is always possible to continuously monitor the production process in order to improve it whenever it is necessary, while identifying and exploring new opportunities in terms of technologies and products.

Silga’s TSC is also equipped with a chemical laboratory and an electrophysical one, which are used to perform several types of tests and technical researches to evaluate our product abilities, make life tests and approve innovative products and processes among the others.

Silga’s Technical Study Center ensures our competitiveness in the market and makes Silga the right technological partner for our clients’ needs, thanks also to the high level of customization that we can provide.